Fiction Friday - Free Sci-Fi novellas
Before we begin, I have counted the votes from my last poll and it looks like a silly story is on its way. I am writing three of those at the moment, so I had some trouble picking one to finish and post. It will arrive soon.
I’m also working on my podcast, and discovering it is slowly turning back into the little radio show I had when I was at uni, so there’s a comedy story there too.
You’ll probably meet Barry Binbag this weekend. He’s a recurring comedy character in my jokes and in WBTH2. He’s in all of the things I just mentioned.
Hello all and welcome again to Fiction Friday, my eBook newsletter that goes out, you guessed it, on Fridays (but not every Friday because I’m picky).
I’ve joined a great one this week. Every single title on this page is free.
My favourite cover for this giveaway shelf is IMPRINT, by Nicholas Adams.
It’s a very clean cover. Gives me ideas for my own.
The second digital bookshelf isn’t for free books, but a few of the books have been heavily discounted. It’s the SPACE IMPACT bookshelf, which I always enjoy participating in and which you might recognise from a few months ago.
That’s it for today. The next email will be a free short story from me, probably about someone crash-landing on an alien world and trying to lure the aliens into a pyramid scheme.
I wanted to celebrate getting to 500 subscribers as well. We aren’t far off now (469) so I’ve got a copy of WHO BUILT THE HUMANS? ready to sign. If you have any ideas for something else I could do to celebrate 500 subscribers, let me know in the comments, or email me.