I’m a one-man-band of an author. I write all of my adverts, design all of my covers, and decide my own pricing and which stores to contact. When I schedule posts here, I do it all myself. And when I set up promotions, it is up to me to completely forget that most advertisers and promoters are in America, where the timezones are slightly different to the UK, where I live.
What that means is that I got my timing wrong last night. I sent my email out somewhere between 5 and 10 hours too early.
If you consider that most of my stories involve time travel, there’s a joke to be made here.
Here is the link, which now works. The Apple, Kobo, and Smashwords seem to load the quickest, whereas some of the others can take a while.
There have also been some issues with people opening the last email, so I’ve included my linktree link in the subtitle of this email. You should be able to copy paste it, and see this message, even if everything else goes wrong.
I set up this free week to celebrate my move away from Amazon exclusivity. This means Amazon won’t be having WBTH free any time soon, but I may put shorter stories on there in future and let them be exclusive. It’s a balancing act. I think having my full books widely available is a good idea overall.
This is my first ‘wide’ promotion and it’s going okay so far, even if we factor in the numerous tech glitches and human error.
To promote this free week, I might be doing a writing stream later tonight (where I will be sat in front of a camera, typing up THE STEPHANIE GLITCH and chatting to a live audience) so come say hi if that’s your kind of thing. I managed a 6 hour stream yesterday during which I actively held back from writing. It’s a weird practice, but it works. Right now, Long Play is working out how to fight off an invisible fleet of invading spaceships.
If I’m not live later, it’s because my chest infection has finally defeated me and I’ve gone to bed. But I will try to be on.
Being a one-man-band author does have its disadvantages (less writing time) but it has advantages too. Mainly, that I can write my books in any order, and plan well ahead. Whilst you can read WBTH1, WBTH2, TSG, and THE EARTHLOOP TRILOGY as standalone books, they will all share at least one universe.
It’s going to get weird.