This isn’t a long post. I just wanted to share this video with you all.
Flight of the Navigator was my favourite film as a child. I felt I understood when I saw MAX and his need to travel between dimensions and pick up weird dangerous animals. This video explains how they did the groundbreaking VFX for the film. It is fantastic.
I found this video again today on the Youtube sidebar and wanted to share it with you. I find it very inspiring.
And while I’m here, I may as well let you know earlier than planned that the pre-orders for my next novella, THE COSMONAUT WHO DIED TWICE, are open now. It’s not in all stores yet (I’ll manually add it to Amazon soon) but it is in some of the main places.
The later parts of the story involve an intergalactic museum/zoo, so I’m quite pleased I bumped into this Flight of the Navigator video again.
TCWDT is a 13,000-word story about a cosmonaut who, you guessed it, dies twice. I’ve scheduled a few of its chapters as a serial here on this newsletter, so you’ll be able to read those soon if you’re a free or paid subscriber. They won’t be public.
After making first contact with alien life, Galina Agafonov's job was to bring the Pallas starship back home to Earth.
But something had changed when the alien spoke. The ship no longer listened to its crew.
Faced with disaster, Galina and her crew scrambled for control.
What happened next changed history.
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The book releases in eBook form at the end of May 2024. A paperback will come eventually, but I need to put £400 into new ISBNs (not counting the fees for marketing and advertising when I have more books out to talk about) and I’m using every last penny right now on my American writing trip, where I’ll be polishing up WHO KILLED THE HUMANS? as well as THE EARTHLOOP TRILOGY and THE STEPHANIE GLITCH in various bars and diners.
I’m really proud of this novella, it’s weird. One of my weirdest.