I need your help to make my Patreon better
I want to make it more valuable, and need your input.
So I’ve got back onto Patreon. Currently earning a modest $2 a month and hoping to get a few more subscribers on board. It’s my alternative to Kickstarter for now, as my primary audience source (instagram) has engagement issues, meaning only about 30 people see my posts, so a Kickstarter just would not work at this time. Patreon also has an advantage over Kickstarter in that it motivates me to make monthly updates to things, and it is a more trusted platform. When you pay me for something on Patreon, the thing already exists, you just get access to it. When you pay a creator on Kickstarter, there’s a slim chance something terrible might happen which stops you from getting the product you backed.
So for me, and for you, Patreon is good for now. It means I can post more varied content (comedy, poetry, sci-fi, worldbuilding) without worrying too much about keeping it on one track.
But when I am in a better position (such as when I am at ComicCon in June) then I will definitely be trying out Kickstarter for my upcoming sci-fi trilogy. You should keep an eye out for that.
Okay, so here’s the question part.
I currently have a Patreon for my writing, with a little tier for my Lego fans (I am also Grumblebricks on Legoideas). But for a long time I was wondering about putting up some educational content, that perhaps I could host some discord chats and workshops, and make a sort of ‘Halfplanet Press Classroom’ thing (I have previously experimented with online learning sites, making content, but didn’t have the reach).
My question is this:
What would you subscribe for? What service of mine, stories, poems, writing advice, do you consider to be worth £2.50 a month?
And here are the tiers
>>> Monthly writing updates <<<
Everything from 'Grumblebricks' tier
'Earthling' badge on discord
>> Monthly writing advice <<<
Everything from lower tiers
Writing advice posts
Earlier access to content
'Martian' badge on discord
Time Traveller
>>> Your name on my content <<<
Limited to 47 Patrons
'Time Traveler' badge on discord
Writing advice group zoom calls
Codes to get some of my books for free
Your Patreon name will be mentioned in my content
So, what do you think?