For the past few months (since around February) I have been privately working on a new anthology to continue the Halfplanet Press anthology series. The first was THE COSMIC COMEDY COLLECTION, a Sci-Fi Comedy anthology which brought on board such diverse comedic talents that it confused, slightly upset, and delighted readers at the same time. Each story was custom written just for that book, and edited by myself and the writers.
So we’ve done Sci-Fi Comedy.
What next?
Our next foray is in Sci-Fi Horror, a genre I have always been curious about. Since first watching Alien and The X-Files, dangerous, relentless aliens have held a special place in my chest cavity.
So it was inevitable I should try to put a book together.
We decided to call it,
For the last few months I have been privately working with a few writer friends on MACABRE MULTIVERSE. My efforts to get the new, shinier edition of WHO BUILT THE HUMANS? in bookshops were given new life because I saw a bigger future ahead of myself. WBTH is the beginning. Once I’ve wedged my foot into the doorways of those bookshops, I can throw other books through the gap.
Halfplanet can have its own shelf in Waterstones and Barnes & Noble.
That’s my Barnes & Noble goal.
Sorry, that one was awful.
Anyway. Books.
Inspired by the success of my short Sci-Fi Horror story Mycelial (which got picked up by Cinnabar Moth Press for their February 2024 edition), I wanted to play with some more Sci-Fi Horror. I reached out to trusted writer friends and pitched the idea.
They said yes.
So, from February onward we were writing and chiselling and finding and hiring talent.
Say hello to Macabre Multiverse.
Every single story in this book is custom written just for this book. They are exclusive to this book, and cannot be found anywhere else.
Our authors are:
John Coon
Aaron Frale
Seb Law
Mark Gardner
Phillip Carter
Our cover artist is Jonathan Cellini. Our chapter artist (yes, we have illustrated chapters, I’ll get to that later) is Marco Medina, and our editor is BK Ntouris.
So we have eight humans working together, from all around the world, on one book.
That’s what Halfplanet Press is all about.
So what’s inside it?
five new sci-fi horrors
five authors
human-made chapter art
human-made cover art
human-written stories
human editing
It’s not easy to find humans online these days, but I did it.
The eBook and paperback will arrive 31.10.2024.
There is no purchase link in this email. I’m not asking you to buy the thing right now. I’m very much a show don’t tell kind of guy, so before release day I will be sending short previews of each story with its custom chapter art. That way, you can make an informed choice about if you want the book. Either way, you get to see inside each of these Macabre Universes.
So it comes out 31.10.2024. That’s Halloween, by the way.
We planned this from the beginning, and whilst we are cutting it close, the book is finalised. I just want to proof the paperbacks before we put a link up.
So that’s it. Macabre Multiverse will arrive in just under two weeks.
Anyway, I promised a Free Fiction Friday, so here it is.
This one is a healthy mix of sci-fi and fantasy.
Catch you in the next one
Great to see you working on this new structure/platform- bringing the best together of the dying magazine market and injecting it into the growing opportunities of collaborative self publishing. If you ever want to do a biological science fiction anthology keep me in mind- I would love to join the party.
Sounds great.