In case you missed it, here’s last week’s freebie shelf.
There are three more coming on Friday the 13th, so stay tuned.
But that’s not all.
I thought, since I’m sending an email out, may as well make it more valuable to you. So here’s some spoilers.
The future of the Realphillipcarter multiverse is weird. Today I went viral on tiktok for a meme about autistic scientists, talked to the creator of Lego’s Bionicle about recreating a Legoland statue from early 2000s polaroids, missed out on a gig because I got carried away with editing and forgot to buy tickets in time, and finished up three more shirt designs for my shirt store. Here’s one of them.
Yes, those intersect ships are made out of Lego. I’ve partnered with Channel 4’s Lego Masters contestant Grumblebricks (my alter ego on instagram) to create the deluxe edition of WBTH1, which will come with brick-built chapter headings for each universe.
That will be coming soon. So, what’s happening next for Realphillipcarter?
More free Sci-Fi and Comedy, obviously.
A special hardback edition of WBTH1, launched alongside the WBTH2 pre-order page, combining funds for both to produce WBTH2.
A new paperback edition of WBTH1, with the cover pictured below, designed to adhere with the preferences of physical bookstores (so a smaller format with a new printer) so I can FINALLY do that book signing I told you all about roughly two million years ago.
A WBTH2 deep dive post, explaining the stories so far, and telling some jokes.
A SERVICES tab, where you can:
hire me to read silly poems at events (stand-up comedy poetry)
hire me to write poems for your wedding (done this before, love it)
hire me to be your writing coach (done this also, very fun)
hire me for workshops (ran some at Edge Hill uni in 2017)
A PRESS tab, to go with my new adventure as a comedy reviewer, comedian, radio host, podcaster, and semi-viral Lego artist.
More radio reviews. If you didn’t hear it last Sunday, I reviewed Daliso Chaponda’s CITIZEN OF NOWHERE with my friend Ruth on AllFM. I don’t work at AllFM, they just let me sneak in sometimes to get the words out of my head before the pressure becomes too much and my eyes pop out.
More free books, from me this time. That’s right, I’m repubbing some of my older stories, repackaging them as standalone eBooks, and making them free. So far, THE CERTAIN UNIVERSE as been plucked from WBTH1 and made permanently free everywhere, including Amazon. I’ll be putting some of the funny ones up soon.
Same as point 5, but for poetry.
More live readings of stories and comedy on instagram and TikTok, to practice for the audiobooks of WBTH1 and WBTH2.
A way to say thanks to anyone who brings in new subscribers to this weird Science Fiction and Comedy adventure. I’ll be launching my Leaderboards soon, which is a Substack feature that gives your leading subscribers free access to the paid content (if you have any). My paid content is extra chapters and stories, as well as archived posts. The idea is if someone brings in a set number of free subscribers, they’ll be given a 3, 6, or 9 month paid subscription. Should be fun. I might make the top prize 12 months though.
More Minecraft comedy twitch streams.
An American tour. I want to hang with my pal Zaak, who builds cars.
So I’m a busy human. On top of all that, my podcast has been beaten into various shapes these past few weeks as I straddle the imaginary fence between talk show and improv, between representing authors and having silly debates with neuroscientists. But the way things are going on social media might nudge me toward a new niche. Lego and Sci-Fi comedy memes. I’m not complaining, it’s a nice track to find yourself on, and I should have seen it coming. There are a lot of weird, smart people this way. And so far, a lot of them seem to want to read my writing. Looks like everything is about to get very interesting.
See you soon
Exciting stuff. Congrats and good luck.