Before we begin, I wanted to let you know that the eBook of WHO BUILT THE HUMANS? is going free again, on March 10th. This applies worldwide, you don’t need to worry about timezones, but you will need an Amazon account. If you’ve not already got it, this is your chance to get it without spending any money.
I’ll send another email out on the day, so you don’t need to look for it now.
So I have an evil idea for my sister’s birthday, which I’ll get into after the books.
The books
Anyone who has been subscribed to me here since mid 2022 will know I had a habit of finding Sci-Fi and Comedy discount pages on Bookfunnel. It’s where I look for other authors to interview for the talk show, where I sometimes make new friends, and also where I find a lot of my new readers. If you’re here, there’s a 7 in 10 chance you found me on bookfunnel.
I have a lot of books and samples on there. Right now I’m working on adding a Stephanie sample to it, and one for Synaesthesioid.
Anyway, I used to share a handful of these digital bookshelves a month, but as I refine this substack and try to make it more efficient and enjoyable for you, I realised I could simply post a bigger list, less often.
So today, I bring you not one, not two, but five Sci-Fi bookshelves. Each is packed with new, independently published Sci-Fi and Fantasy.
If I counted right, there should be over 100 books here which you might not have seen before.
My first book, WHO BUILT THE HUMANS?, is also on these lists.
It is 100% free on March 10th. I’ll send another email out on the day.
The Spring Fantasy promotion.
I joined this one because I know some of you here like fantasy as well, and whilst I don’t write it, some elements of WBTH are so far in the sci-fi future, they may as well be fantastic (a robot crab that eats time being a good example).
There’s a heavy mix of galaxy-spanning sci-fi and dark and quirky fantasy on offer here. Greedy Shadow has some gorgeous pencil art for its introductory chapter.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy action.
Despite its title, this one is more Sci-Fi, with a focus on short stories. It includes Cresting The Sun, which contains 12 award-winning short stories. There are a lot of brilliant covers in this one too.
Starships and Cyberpunks.
A modest list of Sci-Fi books, this one includes a few trilogies which are available at a discount.
I’ve joined this one before. Bookmojo always does a great job of setting these things up for us authors. In fact, the authors on this list are so good at being authors that I’m now trying to catch up. I’m fixing my distribution so my future books will be available outside amazon, including WBTH2 and any special editions of short stories due out this year.
My friend John Coon is on this one, which is a nice surprise.
Anyway, more good books are beyond this button.
Myths and Legends.
Another fun mix of Fantasy and Sci-Fi, this one contains a few books which are free during part of the promotion. It’s worth grabbing them now just in case you want them later.
Deep discount SFF.
This one isn’t live yet, and didn’t have a cover image, so here’s me wearing double paisley and eating fish and chips on the train to my fourth comedy gig. Thanks mum.
Perhaps the most valuable list, this one is specifically for heavily discounted or free eBooks in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. It launches on March 10th, the same day that WBTH becomes free. So I’ll be beaming over the links again on that day.
Subscribe if you don’t want to miss out on the offer.
The bit after the end.
You may still be wondering about the title of this email. What is the weird thing that’s happening on my sister’s birthday?
Well, she’s 21 on March 10th, and we have a long tradition of mean-spirited banter between us, which I’d like to add to this year by breaking into the number 1 slot on Amazon through these promotions on her birthday.
Because I find it funny.
Instead of celebrating her birthday, I can talk over her about how I’m a bestselling author. Trust me, it will be hilarious.
On top of these 5 promotional pages, I’ve also signed up with HelloBooks and to promote WBTH on March 10th.
Hellobooks is a relatively new website for delivering free eBooks to readers. I’ll be reviewing my experience with both promoters over at the Halfplanet Substack as well, for the handful of you who are interested in seeing how my experiments go.
What’s happening in the future?
I have been practicing my material for BRIGHT CLUB, which is a comedy event for people with MAs or PHDs in fun subjects. My comedy set is about time travel in literature, and since most of you don’t live near enough to Salford to see me live, I’ll be sharing bits here next week, after I do my first live rehearsal this Sunday (5th March). But if you are nearby, you can find me on the 22nd of March making jokes about time paradoxes.
Lax Morales or Tin foil Tim might show up.
And here’s a picture of me pretending to do standup. When I took this picture I was the only person in the venue.
See you next time!