This post was sent out two weeks ago to my paid subscribers.
So I’ve had a weird year. About six months ago I was prepared to totally quit writing, having found my way to the very last pound in my overdraft, and having failed to keep an office job that very swiftly made me want to microwave my own head in the employee kitchen. I also went on a private journey into all the weird events in my own history, including that time I used clairvoyance to find a missing camera battery.
Turns out I have a scientific theory for that and it wasn’t anything to do with magic. The clue is in the fact I found a battery, not an inert lump of stone.
This seemingly psychic power also shows up in THE STEPHANIE GLITCH, the first novella of which will launch on Amazon later today!
Anyway, weird year, weird life. Didn’t give up.
About to spend £400 on ISBN codes (those barcodes at the back of books) so I can have 100 of them, as I have at least fifteen books planned for 2024.
Lots of weird stuff.
So I’ve kept writing, and somehow, without noticing, racked up,
63,000 words
which is now titled,
And I think I’ll stop around the 90,000 mark. Whilst WHO BUILT THE HUMANS was 125,520 words long, that was due to a pretty last-minute addition of about 30,000 words from Nori Furukawa’s EARTHLOOP universe, soon to be a time travel novel trilogy which already has the interest of one pretty picky PR firm.
My intention is to launch a crowd fundr thing for each of my new, self-published works and let people decide which ones they want, as due to the nature of the ever-expanding multiverse in my head, the books click together like Lego anyway.
God I love Lego.
It makes sense to make this book shorter because I can put more effort into cutting down the stories and making them as punchy as possible. But, if you’ve known me since 2018, you’ll know WBTH was originally meant to be a leaflet composed of short stories from Stephanie’s universe… so… things can change.
Anyway, here’s a look at WHO KILLED THE HUMANS?
The cover is designed so that, if you place it beside the 2024 edition of WHO BUILT THE HUMANS, the two covers make a single image.
Cool, right?
Unfortunately I can’t show you the WBTH 2024 one yet, as I accidentally deleted the entire file last night, so I am now recreating the cover from scratch.
WHO KILLED THE HUMANS? is currently called WHOBUILTTHEHUMANSTWO on crowdfundr, and I can’t rename it, which is a bit of a pain, but that’s okay.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the stories so far. These might not all survive the beta reading (of which you will soon be invited) but they do sound fun.
Rawr of the Wurlds XD
The day the Earth stood up really fast and felt dizzy
A planet called Moron
The intertemporal hotel
Tombs of the Tekekk
Horse bum scarf story
All inclusive cattle mutilation holiday
A weird old man called God
The poet who ended the universe
On nostalgia
The evil willy from outer space
A game called Human
Planet to planet salesman
The professor and the Tardigrade
March of the Prayerphage (cut from WBTH1)
Moo says the time traveller
Purple prose and pathetic parenting
An idiot’s guide to sexing up aliens
Hologram Kebab
The interdimensional kitten
Circular Treasoning