My decision to move Fiction Friday over to Halfplanet Press has been made easier thanks to some brilliant feedback from some of you here. Having it on Halfplanet gives me the room I need to post just my comedy and sci-fi here, and gives Halfplanet a newfound purpose in sharing free stories by other writers. It becomes the platform it was always meant to be.
Basically, I tidied up.
You’ll see sci-fi stories and comedy here, free eBook stuff on Halfplanet.
My mum reads this newsletter. Be proud of me mum, I tidied.
But don’t click that button just yet, I want to ask your opinion on something.
I posted Hologram Kebab, my short story about dead girlfriends and deader relationships, a few days back. People seem to like it, but to me it’s a messy early draft. Every time I read it there are bits I would add, but I don’t want to make it too syrupy. Some of the stories in WBTH1 were syrupy, for comedic effect, but I think this one benefits from being a bit thinner.
As you can see, I am disagreeing with myself. So I want your feedback.
If you read it, what did you think?
(If you’ve not read it, the link to read it is below this button)
I enjoy hearing feedback from everyone. You are always welcome to comment on a story to let me know what you think about it.
And here’s the story, for those who might have missed it.
I have a few free eBooks of my own up my sleeve. One of them is a short collection of some of my stories about AI, another one is an erotic comedy about dragons. The third is a collection of sci-fi comedy shorts by some of the best people in the business, including me. I’ll be revealing that soon.
I’m one of the best because I invented the book, right?
See you soon
Does she reboot into her body???
Is she trapped in the locket???
Will she be trapped forever like thousands of years???
Does the locket have a battery???
It was solo good. But I needed more . it can't just end like that. I need answers