Hello old subscribers and new subscribers, I hope you’re enjoying this planet we are all meandering about on. At the time this email goes out, I’ll be on a train to Liverpool to discuss hosting a battle rap night, and to watch some stand-up comedy, which is a thing I do myself sometimes, when I’m not writing novels.
Anyway, it’s FreeFictionFriday again, and some big stuff is happening.
Mainly, I’m thinking again of my idea to move parts of FFF over to
, my publishing company, so it can branch out and offer free poetry, horror, and other genres I play with, without making this Sci-Fi comedy substack any weirder than it needs to be.If I do it, I’ll still post the Sci-Fi parts of FFF here, because this page is all about Sci-Fi. I’ll keep you updated on the other genres, and if you like, you can vote at the end of this post as to where I should put them.
How FFF works.
Most of you are here from bookfunnel, so you will be familiar with the format of the giveaways there. If not, I made this handy meme to explain it.
That’s as complicated as it gets. You check out the promo, click on a book cover you like the look of (sort of like online dating), read a bit about it, then decide whether or not it’s worth your email address. You trade this with the author. The author then sends you something every now and again - in my case more free short stories and jokes - and you get more content in the future. This is especially useful if you like what you’ve read from them, but if you don’t, unsubscribing once you’ve grabbed your free story is easy, it’s usually at the top of each email.
I use Bookfunnel for FFF as it’s the best place for me to find authors whose stories I consider to be similar in style or scope to my own writing. That way, I can be confident you will probably like at least one of the books on each promo.
Here’s the free Sci-Fi I promised
Realms Beyond is a collection of strange Sci-Fi worldbuilding, the sort of stuff I love working on and reading about.
You can get your free stories by clicking the banner, or with the link below.
» » » https://books.bookfunnel.com/worldfantasy/gugbjnctlh « « «
Bonus outburst / Poll
I’m one of those people that does lots of different things, and that can confuse search engines and algorithms, so sometimes I need to split myself into multiple personalities. My sci-fi romance parodies, for example, go under an entirely different pen name, Rod Grasper, who at present is annoyingly almost as prolific as I am, meaning I may soon be in competition with myself on Amazon.
The benefit of potentially hosting bits of FFF on two different Substacks is that I can grow FFF on its own, as its own thing, and open it up to a wider variety of writers, with the core philosophy remaining the same. Free stuff, on a Friday. It would also give the Halfplanet newsletter another reason to exist. I think it could grow quite well and help people connect to the human writers they love, something I’ve wanted to facilitate since about 2014, when I started my own writer’s society.
I’ll keep you updated with what I decide to do, but a poll might be useful in helping me make that decision.
What do you think?
Thanks for checking this post out!
And if you’re new and missed the last FFF, it was all about genetic engineering gone bad. And it’s still open for browsing and downloading for a few more days, so you’re not too late.
» » » https://books.bookfunnel.com/geneticengineeringgonebad/uidexcl0xh « « «
Posted a few hours early as I wanted to be sure it went out, so no scheduling this time.
See you all next week!