
If you’re looking to interview me, just email

This is where I collect together all my interviews and appearances where I’m a guest on something, be it print, video, tv, whatever, so you can find them more easily.

I’ll try my best to keep them in chronological order. I’ll even add interviews which lack links, such as live radio.

The most recent ones are at the top.


Bernd Pick at BOWIECON2024

The Writer’s Den.

Comedy Stitch


Para-Or-Normal podcast. Link. Wish I could find the time to clip stuff from this one. I did an hour or so of comedy and then was invited to stay behind and talk to the psychics, which went about as strangely as you might imagine it would.


Several interviews on ALLFM

I also worked for FabRadio during this time, as a volunteer co-host, which started after I had an interview there for WHO BUILT THE HUMANS?


Infinite Jigsaw podcast. Link. In which I talked about WHO BUILT THE HUMANS? Whilst not my favourite appearance (wish I was more confident in it), this podcast helped me work out what I wanted to do for my own.


Edinburgh International Book Festival. I was invited to be a judge for a short story competition. The story I liked didn’t stand a chance. Looking back, I think this was foreshadowing.

Channel 4’s LEGO MASTERS. I was chosen alongside my little sister to build some Lego stuff on television. Unfortunately, despite improvising a massive island model that showcased everything we loved about exploration and Lego, we did not cause enough drama to be interesting enough to get to the next stage. Note to self: follow the camera people around and break the dress code next time.


I spoke to Sci-Fi author Charles Gannon through audio messages, thanks to my tutor Peter Wright, as part of my research into self-publishing. This was around the time I settled on the idea of setting up Halfplanet Press.


Edge Hill University, student radio station. I rocked up to my friend’s fresher’s week, became part of a human pyramid, and won a bag of peanuts or some other snack because I did a perfect impression of chewbacca from Star Wars. This was my first radio appearance.


BBC, for some nonsense about autism. My parents got a TV interview because the world isn’t too kind to autistic people, and for reasons unknown, I had to sit with them during it. I remember wanting to read the TV people a story, but there wasn’t time. I was also seven years old, so the story would have been shit.